Hi! I am Sayar, a CS grad student at UIUC

You can access some of my projects and a few created resources here

Hello Adventurer!

I am Sayar. Presently, a fully funded MS CS student at UIUC, where I am a Graduate Researcher in the Data Mining Group (DMG), Data and Information Systems (DAIS) Research Lab, advised by Prof. Jiawei Han.


In July 2022, I graduated top of my class from IIIT Hyderabad with a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science (with Honors) and an MS in Computational Linguistics.

At IIIT-H, I was a Student Researcher in the Information Retrieval and Extraction Lab (iREL), Language Technologies Research Center (LTRC), where I was advised by Prof. Vasudeva Varma and Dr. Manish Gupta.

I also worked part-time as an Applied Research Engineer with Apple, where I designed Machine Learning models to solve specific Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Information Extraction (IE) problems in the space of Apple Maps.


I have diverse interests, both academic and otherwise & a notable appetite for knowledge. I love helping out as much as possible in any way I can.

I love Pandas.


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